The past few days have been a daze. Lillian has been sick again. She had the highest fever she has ever had, 104.3. It was pretty scary, but there was a lot of good cuddling. Her fever has broken and she seems to be feeling better. Chris is out of town for Shawn's bachelor party so I have been her by myself.
We had two different groups come and look at the house today. I has been fun trying to juggle a sick baby, getting the house ready to show, and then leaving the house for showings. On top of that our real estate agent locked us out of the house for a brief period of time.
We also had some shady people just sitting in front of our house for about ten minutes. I asked them if I could help them and all they said was they were just looking at our house. All I could get of the license was 398ax it was a white beat up old small chevy truck with two young latino people inside, male and female. I know I am being a worrier but I just wanted to document it somewhere:(
We have an open hose tomorrow from 1-4. I really hope we get a bite on the house.
The other day Lillian insisted on feeding herself with a spoon. I am not sure very much actually made it into her mouth but she had fun.