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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spoon please...

The past few days have been a daze.  Lillian has been sick again.  She had the highest fever she has ever had, 104.3.  It was pretty scary, but there was a lot of good cuddling.  Her fever has broken and she seems to be feeling better.  Chris is out of town for Shawn's bachelor party so I have been her by myself.  

We had two different groups come and look at the house today.  I has been fun trying to juggle a sick baby, getting the house ready to show, and then leaving the house for showings.  On top of that our real estate agent locked us out of the house for a brief period of time.

We also had some shady people just sitting in front of our house for about ten minutes.  I asked them if I could help them and all they said was they were just looking at our house.  All I could get of the license was 398ax it was a white beat up old small chevy truck with two young latino people inside, male and female.  I know I am being a worrier but I just wanted to document it somewhere:(

We have an open hose tomorrow from 1-4.  I really hope we get a bite on the house.

The other day Lillian insisted on feeding herself with a spoon.  I am not sure very much actually made it into her mouth but she had fun.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

True Love...AWWW Quacky

The truest purest love, the love for Quacky...Awwww Quack Quack.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Nap Ever..

This picture is from yesterday.  Lillian had almost a three hour nap!  Check out the hair.

She is asleep right now so I hoping for the same today.  It makes her feel better and I can actually catch up on a few things.  We went to our Music Together class this morning and then straight to Firehook Coffee House to meet up with Meredith and Turner.  They have Mr. Skip play every Tuesday, he is a great children's musician.  She was thoroughly pooped so I am expecting another great nap.

I am spending my free time looking at a list of house for sale in the Atlanta area.  We maybe making a visit this weekend and want to check out the different neighborhoods.  No offer on our house yet, but we have had good traffic and the feedback has been positive.  The main complaint has been about the neighbors houses and we can't control that.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Comfort in the nook...

Ok I will start out apologizing for any typos. I am writing this on my iPhone as Lillian sleeps on me in the rocker.

Yesterday was a big day. The weather was gorgeous so Lillian and I went to the park. While we were there Lillian walked!! Ok it was only a couple of steps and then a crash to the ground, but it was so exciting!!! She also learned how to sign the word cheese.

It is funny how when you have children the simplest things become what's most important.

Ok now let's fast forward to today.

I have exciting news, my little business has now expanded to it's fourth store. I made a pretty good size wholesale order to "Growing Years" in Kensington, Maryland. They took me on as a new seller despite the fact that Lillian threw up all over her store. Yep, vomit all over me, Lillian, and the store. Thank goodness Sandra, the owner, is a mother for three.

Now we are home and as soon as we got here and we got cleaned up the phone rang. It was a real estate agent asking to show our house tomorrow. So, send out some prayers that Lillian will let me put her down long enough to get the house clean, she feels well enough to leave the house tomorrow, and most of all they love the house and want to buy it.

Other than all that I am just wondering if it makes me a bad mom that I do get a little pleasure when L isn't feeling well.

You see she cuddles. I mean really cuddles.
Her head just fits perfectly in that little nook on your neck 
 I think must have been made just for our babies heads.

You can feel her breath and it seems to melt into your own.
Your hearts beat together and for just a little while you feel connected. 
 You can just take them in every part of their essence. 
To know that you are a comfort and a safe place for them to go.

This is the closet you can get to that feeling of carrying them around those nine months.

So you see I do not wish for my sweet girl to be sick, but I do love the
stillness, closeness, and the power of that little nook in the neck.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How quickly life changes....

Ok back on November 9 I posted this to my other blog...

My very first post!
What can I say things have been a whirlwind lately.
In the past three months we have bought a house.
I have started a business.
The house we bought is going through major renovations.
My loving husband just bought me a new car.
Things have been nonstop.
We are sitting in layers of dust and mess but I have never been happier.
I look at my life and smile.
I love my husband.
I have the most amazing daughter.
and my family is all healthy and happy
what more can you ask for.
Speaking of my daughter
I can not believe she is about to turn one.
What has happened to the year?

Now just three quick months later ...

The dust has settled and cleared and the house looks perfect
and as of today back on the market.
We are moving back to Georgia
  I am
to be near family and old friends again
to be leaving our new friends, family and life here in Northern Virginia
scared and excited...
to start over 
The business I started is now in three boutiques in the DC area
I am still...
looking at my life and smiling.
I love my husband even more today than yesterday.
I have a daughter that is always full of surprises
and my family is all healthy and happy
what more can you ask for...

Saturday, February 5, 2011