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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

joy of LUCK day 5...

day 5...

 What in your life has brought you the most luck or blessings?  
When, in your life, do you believe that your life became filled with luck, blessings and joy?

This is a picture I took of a picture Chris and I bought when we were at a Georgia game together.  

If it was not for the University of Georgia I would have never met Chris.  
It was opening day September 3, 2005.
Georgia played Boise State at home and won 48-13.
Ashley and I went to a UGA alumni event to watch the game.
It was there that I met Chris and my life became filled with blessings and joy.
We have had a wonderful 6 years together and I can't wait to see what the next 60 bring.

Monday, March 28, 2011

joy of LUCK Day 4... 7 things

What are seven material things that you love?  
Capture these things with your lens.
We are all so fortunate for what we have materially.
Let's focus on our luck and blessings today.

My engagement ring and wedding ring.
  They represent how truly lucky I am to have found the love of my life and our start of our life together.

My diamond earrings that Chris gave me when our daughter Lillian was born.
They represent becoming a mother and my sweet sweet Lillian.

The quilt my mother made for me.
It says:
Made for Jenifer 
By Mom
 Christmas 2005
Wrap yourself in this quilt
when you need a little hug.
It represents family and security.

Our camera represents my terrible memory.
 If it wasn't for the pictures we take I fear many of our moments would be forgotten.

My car..I just love it!
Lillian and I always feel safe.
Thank you Chris!!

Our computer.
I probably spend way too much time here.

My  craft supplies.
A way for me to be creative and relax.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

joy of LUCK day 3... $2.00 bill

Day 3...

What are some traditional lucky symbols that you can think of?
  What brings you luck?

I am not sure that a $2.00 bill is a traditional lucky symbol, but it is my lucky symbol.

When I first met my husband he gave me a $2.00 bill.

I have been carrying it around in my wallet behind my license since then to bring me good luck.

We have had our ups and downs, but overall I think my life has been pretty amazing since I have owned that $2.00 bill.

I am not sure if I should attribute that luck to this token or to the fact that Chris has been a part of my life since then, but I can say that I do not plan on spending it ever.

Friday, March 25, 2011

joy of LUCK Day 2... hope

Day two...

St. Patrick’s Day is all about the wearin’ o’ the green these days!  
Green is all over the place today as we celebrate Saint Patrick and being Irish.  
You can also see green when you look out your window at the new buds forcing their way up.

Green is also symbolically the color for newness, new beginnings, spring and life

My picture represents new beginnings and hope.
When my husband toasts he almost always says "to new beginnings".
I have always loved that toast because no matter what is going on in your life every second is a new beginning and a fresh start.
That toast really reigns true in our life at this present moment.
We are selling our house and leaving our wonderful life here in Virginia for new beginnings.
A new territory for Chris, new friends, a new home...
It is scary and exciting all in one.

This for sale sign in our yard represents our new beginning and our hope for things to come.
If you look in the bottom right hand corner of the picture you will see a pile of rocks. 
Under the rocks buried deep in the ground is another symbol of hope and luck. 

St. Joseph is waiting there bringing us luck.
 St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and earthly Father of Jesus Christ, is honored as the patron saint of married couples, families, carpenters and workingmen. 

Over the years, the tradition arose of St. Joseph having a special power in real estate transactions. 
European nuns buried a medal with his likeness on property they hoped to aquire for convents. 
Gradually the medals were replaced with statues and the focus changed from buying to selling. 
The statue is buried upside down in the front yard with the feet pointing to heaven. 
It may face towards the home (or towards the street if you want your neighbor's home to sell!) 
 After the home has sold, the statue should be removed from the ground and given a place of honor in our new home.

Monday, March 21, 2011

joy of LUCK day 1... water

Day 1
What inanimate object/thing/concept is something that you take for granted on a daily basis?  What would someone who is not as fortunate as you are say about your “luck” to have such a thing in  your life?  

Every morning I wake up brush my teeth, use the restroom, make coffee, take a shower, cook, clean, and then cool off with a clean glass of water.  
I never really sit back to think about how truly lucky I am to have clean water at my fingertips to use for all of the things.  
Today I feel lucky for that simple gift.


Friday, March 18, 2011

the joy of LUCK...

I’m super, super excited to to be enrolled in this new class from willette designs!!!
 During the month of march I celebrate St. Patrick and all that we are blessed with and lucky to have in our lives.
I will receive daily email prompts/photo assignments with some tutorial/instruction built into the daily email lesson.
 I am getting a late start.
 The class started yesterday so I will be a day or two behind with my posts, but the prompts have been great.
It is nice to sit back and think about the things that you are grateful for and lucky to have in your life.

I will have the first assignment up soon.
It is not to late to join just got to

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nonnie visits...

Last week Chris started in the new territory.
He was in South Carolina for the entire week.
We sure did miss him.
Lillian walked around saying Daddy all week.

Luckily, my mom came up to keep us company for our first week without Daddy.  

We had a great time and ate almost every type of food you can imagine.

Lillian got attention every second she was awake.
She was so happy she didn't know what to do with herself.
I am always in awe at how much patience, love and attention Lillian gets from her Nonnie.
I wish I was able to focus on her every second like her she does.

It is true love as you can see.

It was great having Mom visit and she will be missed greatly next week for our first real week all alone

Pray for us and a speedy sale of our house.
 We do not want to spend too many months apart.
It is very sad saying goodbye to Daddy.

While Mom was here we went to the Little Gym for Lillian's class.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I love these pictures of Lillian and Chris.  
I love that you can see how little Lillian is in relationship to our house and her father.
The progression of her asking for milk is wonderful.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I was a beautiful day today.
 Lillian and I went to her gym class and then played outside.

She loves bubbles.  
The problem is that she will not let me help her, I am not sure where she gets that from.
 So, there aren't many bubbles to speak of.  
She can get the wand in the bubbles and pull it out but then she just holds it up and waits for the bubbles to come.  
She doesn't really seem to mind that they never do.  

I am believe the thought process went something like this...

 Hmmm ok it must go in here.

I know it has to fit, I saw Mommy do it. 

 Ah, ok like this!

Ok now it's in what was I supposed to do next?

Hmmm ok I think she pulled it out next.

Now if I hold it up there will be BUBBLES!!!

Wait a second where are the bubbles?

Ok let's try this again.

 Mommy why aren't there any BUBBLES??????

This went on and on for the next 30 minutes.
Persistant little thing...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I think I can, I think I can...

Lillian practicing walking she starts out great but in the middle she decides to ask for some milk with sign language and it throws her off a bit.   Opps she hits the ground, but no tears, she's one tough cookies.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

mmm cake...

L at the Park

We survived the past weekend and the open house. 
 No offers yet, one couple liked the house but no garage was a killer. 
 It is hard not to get discouraged although it has only been almost three weeks.

Lillian and I made a cake for Daddy today.
Carrot Cake his favorite.

It's not too pretty, but it tasted great (thanks to Tom and Meredith's recipe).

Here's a quick video of Lillian doing her favorite thing, reading.