Day two...
St. Patrick’s Day is all about the wearin’ o’ the green these days!
Green is all over the place today as we celebrate Saint Patrick and being Irish.
You can also see green when you look out your window at the new buds forcing their way up.
Green is also symbolically the color for newness, new beginnings, spring and life.
My picture represents new beginnings and hope.
When my husband toasts he almost always says "to new beginnings".
I have always loved that toast because no matter what is going on in your life every second is a new beginning and a fresh start.
That toast really reigns true in our life at this present moment.
We are selling our house and leaving our wonderful life here in Virginia for new beginnings.
A new territory for Chris, new friends, a new home...
It is scary and exciting all in one.
This for sale sign in our yard represents our new beginning and our hope for things to come.
If you look in the bottom right hand corner of the picture you will see a pile of rocks.
Under the rocks buried deep in the ground is another symbol of hope and luck.
St. Joseph is waiting there bringing us luck.
St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and earthly Father of Jesus Christ, is honored as the patron saint of married couples, families, carpenters and workingmen.
Over the years, the tradition arose of St. Joseph having a special power in real estate transactions.
European nuns buried a medal with his likeness on property they hoped to aquire for convents.
Gradually the medals were replaced with statues and the focus changed from buying to selling.
The statue is buried upside down in the front yard with the feet pointing to heaven.
It may face towards the home (or towards the street if you want your neighbor's home to sell!)
After the home has sold, the statue should be removed from the ground and given a place of honor in our new home.